Thursday, April 05, 2007
I love being a turtle.
Last night I went to see the movie Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with my friend JPD.
JPD and I have known each other since we were born, really. Since TMNT was popular the first time around.
And you know what they say, you can't make old friends. Well, sometimes, but it only happens once upon 200 lifetimes.

The movie was exactly what it should be, silly and delicious. I think my favorite part was when April O'Neil is expressing shock that a 3,000 year old Mayan curse could be true, that there could be such a thing as monsters, and she's saying this to a giant, nun-chuck-wielding mutant turtle.
Without a hint of irony.

I loved it.

Afterwards JPD (I love that his initials make him sound like a police department) and got a cup of tea and he sweetly let me monopolize the conversation.

We talked about how, growing up, Jesse was the closest thing JPD had as brother, and Bug (JPD's sister) was the closest thing I knew to having a sister.

And what I wanted to say, what I couldn't find the words to say, what I've always wondered if they knew, was that I had always thought of JPD and Bug in the same way that I thought of Jesse. That link, that bond, that knowledge that there wasn't anything I wouldn't do for them, that in this crazy thing called life, we passed or failed together, like boot camp, that they were my responsibility as much as one person is to another, that we were a team, and if it came right down to it, it would be us versus the world.
That in short, we ARE the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


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Blogger Michael said...

That was beautiful :)

Blogger Valancy Jane said...

Like my Ikeykins.

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