I found his myspace.
This is one that went on a long rant about how anime fans are such dorks because they're "living in this whole other reality," while he's on his way out the door to a medieval war reenactment.
Thérèse: ahahhahahahahaahaha
Sarah Smile: Swear to god.
Even when I tried to point it out, he still didn't get it.
Thérèse: well that's just it, isn't it. half of the dorkiness of being a dork is that they don't realize theyr'e dorks.
Sarah Smile: Kip was always good for a laugh. It wasn't that he was a dork. I like dorks. It's that he seemed rather distainful of other dorks. And THAT is where it got hilariously funny.
He left the candy store to manage a comic book store.
I dropped by once.
Not that I'm that fond of comic books, or even of Kip, but it felt good to see him there. Like when they release animals back into the wild.
Ok, so added Kip as a friend.
Because I couldn't think of any reason not to.
But now I remember why I shouldn't.
Because it's SO HARD to NOT make fun of him.
His wife's user name is Tinkrbelle. Her spelling, not mine.
Thérèse: I have no response to that.
Sarah Smile: I do. That's just the problem.
It's IMPOSSIBLE not to make fun of Kip.
Lord knows I've tried.
Thérèse: Hah a hah a.
Quit resisting then.
Sarah Smile: Since he's at heart a pretty decent guy.
He once burned me a Justin Timberlake cd that I was too ashamed to buy.
Thérèse: he had a justin timberlake cd just lying around?
Sarah Smile: Yep.
Thérèse: well, that's just...
he's asking for it.
Sarah Smile: I want to do a blog post.
Can I do a blog post and still be a decent human being?
Sarah Smile: Silence suggests the answer is no.
Thérèse: No no, you can.
It's just... "decent" is a strong word.
Sarah Smile: Did I ever tell you the story of how I met Kip?
It's hilarious.
Thérèse: Go on,...
Sarah Smile: Ok. So Lissy and I were sitting in a Dennys late one night, sobering up. I was maybe, 19?
And in the next booth over is this big group of guys.
And somehow we struck up a conversation and they invited us to join them in the big corner booth.
And I thought one of them was kinda cute. We'll call him KCG.
And KCG asked me for my number. He pointed to Kip across the table and said that Kip was a manager at the movie theater, so we could go see movies for free.
I gave KCG my number.
The next morning I get a call from Kip.
Thérèse: wait, in the morning?
Sarah Smile: Kip asks if I wanted to see The Patriot, and I said that I did, assuming that he was referring to a group outing, as discussed.
Kip said good, because he was looking forward to spending time with me.
I'm thinking OOPS.
Thérèse: Hoo boy.
Sarah Smile: So I brought two of my friends along, Lissy and her boyfriend at the time, Jonny.
Kip proceeded to introduce me as "the girl [he] is seeing."
And I wasn't sure what to say, because I didn't want to embarrass him in front of his coworkers.
Although they prolly picked up on my mortified expression.
But Kip did not.
After the movie, I was going to pull him aside and set him straight, but good ole Jonny beat me to the punch. He pulled Kip aside and said, "No."
Kip said, "But she-"
"But I-"
And then I didn't see him again until I started my job at the candy store.
Where he was my boss.
God, it's still funny now when I think about it.
I love that!!!!!
"But she--"
"But I--"
That's priceless and it belongs on your blog.
Sarah Smile: Ok.
If I throw in some kind and true facts about Kip, like that as my boss he never took it out on me that I wasn't interested.
That will even out the karma, right?
Thérèse: Then he's nice, if somewhat socially awkward.
Nope. Sorry.
Sarah Smile: I don't know if it was "nice" or "still hoping."
But at any rate, he could have been an ass, and wasn't.
Thérèse: That's why it's a good story.:
If he had been a bad sport about it, it would be more like "Rezzie, check out this stalker story...."
Labels: 'Rezzie, actual conversations
"Medieval war reenactment".
As in LARPer? See...Larpers are like the extreme version of dorks. They are the ones that make the other dorks cringe.
Yeah. Like that. And it's cool and all that he was into that, I mean, hey, whatever blows your skirt up.
But that rant about anime fans just slayed me.
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