Wednesday, March 28, 2007
I'm so in love with my google home page.

I added this, because it slays me. It's like Crazy! In Real Time! And the UFOs all look so friendly and cheerful.

It's got art! And coloring pages! A spanish word of the day, a love quote of the day and a Buddhist thought of the day.

I want to print it out and roll around on it and sniff it.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

so you KNOW I had to share that link with EVERYONE I know,right? And they both thank you!

That was great!

Blogger Valancy Jane said...

Happy aliens! Weeeeeeeeeeeee!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

the blogger I gave that alien map link to.... he's disappeared from the bloggersphield. COINCIDENCE? I THINK NOT!

*insert very eerie alien music here

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