Monday, February 19, 2007
Reindeer fly their messages to other parts of the world.
Ikey!: i'm going to Ottawa at the beginning of next week!!!

Sarah Smile: Ooooo, fun. What's in Ottawa?

Ikey!: it's our nations capital!

Sarah Smile: Oh.

Ikey!: hehe

Sarah Smile: I knew that.
*shifty eyes*

Ikey!: the 6th coldest capital in the world, actually

Sarah Smile: I believe it.

Ikey!: it's actually a good time to be going, because our national parliamentary igloo is melting early this year, so they're going to have to move caucus meetings outside.
global warming et cetera

Sarah Smile: Hee.
I almost believe that.

Ikey!: no, it's true! here is our prime minister with his party.

Sarah Smile: Hee.
I see.
*nods solemnly*

Ikey!: hahaha.

Sarah Smile: Is there a penguin guard?
That marches back and forth with a rifle?

Ikey!: i watched a tv show once where a comedian...yes, there are many penguins the sizes of lions...went into the states and brought this to the attention of the american people. you wouldn't believe how many fell for it.

Sarah Smile: Hahahahahahaha!
I certainly believe that.

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