Tuesday, February 20, 2007
I'm through putting up with this.
Dear Devin Allmon (and a few other of you psychos need to pay attention because I have folders for you too),

Per the advice of the police and my lawyer, this is your very own official notice. If you need to read it again to figure out all the big words, you'll also find a copy in your email and your mail box. I put it here because seem desperate for the attention. So here you go. Attention. Oh and witnesses.

Every comment you leave is saved in a file titled "Harassment Log" with the date, time and the IP address of the computer, in your house, that you sent it from.
If you weren't smart enough to listen all the other times I said "nobody is anonymous here" maybe you'll figure it out when the police show up at your door.
If you don't stop, you will face the legal consequences of your actions.
If you want a harassment charge, libel lawsuit and a restraining order on your record, keep it up.
I would enjoy spending your money. On pets and sparkly things.

Sarah Barrick



Blogger Bake Town said...

Huh? Wha? You have hater? Lemme at 'em.

Blogger Valancy Jane said...

Yeah, for almost a year now she's spewed her personal brand of nasty all over this site, and I haven't responded once, and she's kept this whole thing going in her head, and I'm just done with it.
All this because I just didn't want to be her friend anymore. A choice I feel better and better about every single day, considering her behavior.

Blogger Bake Town said...

That sucks big ones lady. Hang in there!

Blogger Michael said...

You rock.

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