Recite the Lords Prayer loudly.
Stick your tongue out.
Make out.
Yell "I'm jumping off!"
Jump off.
Jump on.
Wear flipflops.
Stuff your sweatshirt under your shirt and wonder if anyone will point out the "No pregnant women" sign.
Sit next to 7 year old boys who are holding a jumbo cotton candy.
Sit next to 7 year old boys who are advertising how much they're about to puke.
Think "I'll just hold it between my knees."
Think "I'll just hold it."
After the ride, tell the attendant your friend fell off.
Before the ride, hold a bolt in your hand and stare up at the coaster with a dazed expression.
Assume the back rows won't get wet.
Get off weeping, in full view of the people about to ride.
Pass out.
Do I know these things from experience? Perhaps.
Labels: advice, lists, shaping today's youth
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