Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Hospital Swag.
At some point the nurse asked me for a urine sample, to be collected as soon as I felt the urge to go. She left me with a labeled specimen cup and a clear bag with the orange biohazard sticker.

Later, for other reasons, they used a catheter (and lets never speak of that) and so the cup was never put to use.

When I got home, I realized that I still had the cup and biohazard baggie in my purse.

I promised the bag to My Nick, for him to take his lunch to work in, but I'm not sure what to do with the specimen cup. It's slightly too small for a coffee cup.

Other than keeping mints in it, in my purse, I'm not sure what the best use for it would be.

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Blogger Paul said...

Get some of these

and use it as their holder

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Step one- Fill with lemonade.
Step Two- Carry Around all day at work and watch horrified expressions.
Step Three- Place Prominently on desk until the next day.
Step Four- Make sure someone watches you drink it.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

1.) Like Coco suggests, fill it with lemonade and keep it at your desk where everyone can see it. Any time someone passes by, look at it and give a deep sigh. When people ask about it (and please expect their faces to be mortified) tell them because of Patient Doctor confidentality laws you are not allowed to speak of it.

2.)Put jelly beans in it and offer them to anyone who passes. When they give you a weird look say, "What? I cleaned it out first!"

3.) Add water and food coloring. Go for really loud crazy colors. Stay away from yellow. Go up to your boss and tell him that your Doctor demands that you take a month off with pay. Hand him the cup and tell him that your doctor didn't have time to write a note and told you to give this to him in place of it.

4.) Use it as a vase and name your flower Preston or Penelope. Call it "P" for short. Introduce your flower to your co-workers. Then ask "Well, what do you think of P?"

Oh, you want to remain well liked at work?

Scratch all four then.

Blogger PomHeart said...

obviously you should open a whole bunch of tootsie rolls, smooosh them, and put them in the cup. then just grab a chunk while you are at your desk...

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