Friday, May 20, 2005
More Actual Searches that led people here.
"ashiedu" - Sorry, he's come and GONE. And good riddance, I say.

"about on stripping bark from myself by walker" - Good for you, whoever was looking for this. This is a beautiful poem, one of my all time favorites. Go read it here.

"ryan cabera(true)" - He's not here, but if you find him, tell him to get a haircut, would you?

"rosarito mariachi band hire" - Don't I wish we had one of those here in the lobby. Don't I wish.

"pope name quiz" - You type in 'quiz', you end up here. Figures.

"tina fey" and "tina fey" "arm wrestling" - I love Tina Fey, but I'm not sure I want to know what you were looking for.

"california's full of women" - Once again, if I didn't know this was a line from a song, Shoulda Been A Cowboy, I'd be very worried.

"MOJA CARRIBEAN PARTY" - I don't want to know.

"If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you" - Jonny, this was you, wasn't it?

"Lobby Duck" - Whoever you are, I love you.


Blogger Jonathan Bradshaw said...

Actually, that wasn't me. Probably another fan of my brain.

Blogger Unknown said...

Hi, VJ. How do you check what people searched to get to your blog. Please let me know. And how is MP? Hope you got pictures.

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