Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Happy Birthday Week*, Colsy!
Dear Colsy,

There's never been a meaningful moment in my life, big or small, that you didn't acknowledge and celebrate with me.
I can't think of a better defination of a friend, and my world is a richer place because of you.
Love you madly,

-Sarah Smile

* Her actually birthday was Sat, but she says she likes spreading the festivities out over a week.

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Blogger Minoa said...


Thank you!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Colleen! I enjoy reading your comments.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww! Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuu....

I love birthdays and fridays. Both are great excuses for a cocktail. whooo hoooo for Colleen's birthday!

*does the Mexican hat dance. which has nothing to do with birthdays, but it's soooo much to do!

Blogger Valancy Jane said...

*toast too*

*joins Mexican hat dance*

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