Thursday, January 11, 2007
I Wonder .......
.......... if you could hire a cab to take you to the drive-in movies. And stay with you.

I know it would cost a mint, but I'm mostly just curious if they would.

And if they would, I wonder which would be worse, if you were an amorous couple, or a by yourself at a scary movie. Like if you were the type that hid or clawed at the air in fear. (I have actually tried this with strangers at a regular theater and most people are surprisingly good natured about me crawling all over them in fear, but for the sake of accurate research, I should point out that I've only ever tried this on men.)

So far our local yellow cab company has yet to reply to my email.

And I think I really need to find a new hobby besides thinking up ways to annoy people.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, no. No new hobbies. Because while you're thinking of ways to annoy people, you're thoroughly amusing the rest of us. *grin*

Blogger Valancy Jane said...

I suppose it's ok if I only think of them.

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