Friday, November 10, 2006
Fun With Shopping Carts!
I was always the sort of person who dutifully took my car back to the 'kart korral' thingie, thinking that it would be appreciated by the minimum wage earning student who's job it was to go get them.
But then a bag boy told me it was the best part of his day, gathering the carts.
He got to leave the store, his harping boss, customers who got nervous no matter how carefully he packed their eggs. He got a little time to himself and a chance to stretch his legs.
He said it always went too quickly.

So now it's a sort of game for me, to leave my car in some far corner of the lot. So he gets to take a longer walk. I hope he likes it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's so considerate of you Veaj!

Your life reminds me of this song.

Blogger Valancy Jane said...

I love it when you send me music, Ikey!
*bear hug*

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