I'm the luckiest girl in the world. Seriously, the world loves me. I'm not sure why it does, but I love most of it right back. I love wrapping presents. Flowers are important. That TOTALLY wasn't me who prank called you, I swear. I love to grocery shop. My boyfriend loves to cook. I can't get enough of kissing him. My bicycle has streamers on the handles. I think if people wanna know about my faith, they'll ask. I look young, and sound old. I love chaos, so you'll always find pets and teenagers around my house. I always have at least one book in my purse. At camp in high school, I was voted "Most Talkative." UNANIMOUSLY. I dance at the slightest provocation. This blog is my mirror, my publicist, my calendar, and my most flattering angle. I am its pushy stage mother. And apparently, I'm important enough to get hate mail. Sweet.
Blogging from sunny San Diego
Need direction from the stars? Ask our very own rat psychic! Ask Miss Cleo.
I love Mister Rogers! I haven't seen him in years! His songs about feelings always made me... feel? Uh.. yeah.. go Mister Rogers!
Since our wonderful Mister R. is dearly departed from us (RIP Mr. R!) I will become an imposter Mr. R. and sing you a song. You might want to cover your ears:
Feelings By Amber
Those things we have that are good or bad,
But I hope are mostly goooood.
They are hard to find, even harder to describe,
they are feeeeeeelinnnnggggsssss!
Look your friend in the eye,
would she laugh or would she sigh?
Hold her hand and laugh with her,
These are feeeeelllllliiiinnngggsss!
They can make the world seem blue or very, very new.
Whatever we do, we do with feeeelllllliiinnnnnnggggsssss!
You are special, you are unique.
So is your neighbor, though you think he's a geek.
Insted of giving him wedgies today,
ask him if he'd like to come over and play.
What you have done is considered someone elses feeelllllllllllliiiiiiiigggggggsss!
(Okay I could go on and on but I think I have over stayed my welcome.)Also, please forgive me, Mr. R
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