I believe that any emotion has an energy. No one could deny the power they wield over one's own self.
I believe that sometimes emotion can just slosh over the edges of a person.
I believe that anyone who slows down and really pays attention to another person can be 'psychic,' and I don't believe that this is any less magical than staring into a crystal ball.
Listening is magic.
I believe that you must be a bit careful, people don't like to be read too well, and nothing will get you burned at a stake faster than seeing someone's secrets.
Discretion is magic.
I believe that magic is in the eye of the beholder.
I believe that children can spot magic a mile off, and it's the one thing I've never once known a child to be stingy about sharing.
Children are magic.
I believe that the best way to get love is to give it freely, making Love the strongest spell you can put on someone.
Love is the strongest magic of all.
I believe that magic isn't all that mysterious after all. Sometimes it's as simple as a hot shower, a cold drink, or a warm hug.
I believe that good luck attracts more of itself.
And I believe that Luck is just another word for attitude.
And so I bid you all on this Halloween, the very best of Luck.
"Listening is magic.
Discretion is magic.
Children are magic.
Love is the strongest magic of all."
Hm...the grandmother in me wants to cross-stitch it, frame it, and mail it to you.
The grandmother in me wants to kiss you on the forehead.
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