Thursday, September 14, 2006
Nick Always TOLD Me I Was Gonna Burn Myself By Not Putting The Oven Door All The Way Down.

Please send candy.


Blogger Thérèse said...

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Blogger Thérèse said...

You know, you look at that drawing fast, without reading, and reading the pictures you can come to some very odd, strange and very different-from-intended conclusions.

Blogger Sara said... must be "Burn yourself while cooking" week. I have a very impressive burn on the side of my hand because 400 degree cast-iron is HOT!!!

I feel your pain! (Great pictures, by the way)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sad! I hope you feel better soon. At least that is not the most pathetic way to burn yourself.(Because you were doing something cool when you obtained the burn. What? Cooking is cool!)

Losers do this: They plug in their flat iron, leave the room,forget flat iron exists, have their husbands tell them that they are going to burn the neighborhood down, still forget the dang thing, finally rememeber, run the flat iron through their hair, and when they run some straighting balm over their roots? Their own frigging hair burns their hand.

I blame the hair for not having nerve endings.

But not that I would know.

I read that somewhere on the internet.

Blogger T said...

Woah - bizzare..I burned my hand last night on an oven shelf when I was putting something on the shelf below!!

Blogger Valancy Jane said...

You know, 'Rezzie? You're right. *giggle* I can't believe I didn't see that. My dirty mind is slipping.

And Amber, Sara and Tristan, I'm sorry. I hope you feel better right away!

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