Thursday, September 28, 2006
It's The Little Things.
Everyday, as Nick and I drive home, we pass a furniture store. Traffic always backs up right there, so as we sit, we ponder the 'wacky-waving-inflatable-tube-man,' as we call him. We like him. He's sorta an inside joke, except that it's not really a joke, just a thing between us. Nick once showed me this comedy sketch or something, about a warehouse of wacky-waving-inflatable-tube-men and their many uses, and it comes to both our minds every day as we pass. "Keep grandma company?"
Just one of the phrases that has become part of our couple's language.

The store got a new wacky-waving-inflatable-tube-man.
I wanted to tell Nick right away.

And just that little thing brought one of those acute pangs of missing him, of grinding my teeth a little at the UNFAIRNESS of his not being right there, right then.


Blogger PomHeart said...

i totally know how you feel.

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