Thursday, September 28, 2006
For Mycaelus, A Franken-Meme I Pieced Together Out Of Several.
Made out for more than 10 minutes:

Made out with 2 different people in one night?
I'm sure I did when I was young, playing spin the bottle or to win a bet or shock someone. I've always been a total makeout slut.

Thought your cousin was hot?
Not hot. But when I was really young, like too young to know that was like illegal or weird, I thought one of my cousins was cute.

Taken a shower with someone of the opposite sex:
Well, those pesky water shortages .... *giggle*

Gotten in a car with people you just met?
When I've had car trouble, or carpooling to a party with friends of a friend or something.

Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?
I'm actually been insanely lucky that way.

Been arrested?
I was cleared of all charges and that's all I have to say. *cough*

Made out with a stranger?
*laugh* Define 'stranger.'

Had a crush on your neighbor?
When I was a little girl. *nostalgic sigh* Eric. He lived across the street. Then later, Justin, his little brother. Then Eric again.

Kissed a picture?
Not if I can help it. If I find myself wanting to kiss a picture, I set the picture down and go find the person in the picture. MUCH better.

Slept in until 3pm?
No, I've never been able to sleep in later than noonish.

Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?
That sounds fun. *lays down on the floor in the lobby.* *watches cloud shapes go by* That WAS fun. I haven't done that since I was kid.

Made a snow angels?
I make really cool snow angels. When you go to get up, you gotta kinda dance out of them to avoid footprints. A pullyouup buddy helps.

Fallen asleep at work/school?
No, I don't fall asleep well if I'm sitting up. If I can lay down, I can sleep anywhere. But never sitting up at a desk.

Felt an earthquake?
Oooooooo, those are FUN.

Touched a snake?
I always have this strange urge to pat their heads. I like snakes. I'd have one except that I have a really difficult time feeding anything alive to an animal, so snakes are pretty much out.

Been suspended from school?
Oh no. Never. Teachers always loved me. I got away with murder.

Been to the opposite side of the country?
Lived in New Jersey for awhile.

Felt like dying from embarrassment?
No, I have too much of a sense of humor for that. I just CAN'T take myself that seriously. Even when I should.

Sang karaoke?
Got a standing ovation, thankyouverymuch.

Done something you told yourself you would never do?
You haven't lived if you haven't found yourself in that position. But I rarely say I'll never do something.

Kissed in the rain?
Yes, but not enough. It doesn't rain much here.

Sang in the shower?
Yep, bits of old country songs, mostly.

Had a dream that you married someone?
I marry everyone in my dreams.

Played getting married?
Naw. In my waking hours I rarely think about it.

Got your tongue stuck to a frozen flag pole?
Where would I find a frozen flag pole around here? It's frickin' California.

Ever gone to school partially nude?
*blinks* Oddly, this never occured to me.

Been considered a freak?
Without a doubt.

Didn't take a shower for a week?
EW, no. Longest I ever went was on a camping trip. I felt so gross that I washed my hair and rinsed off in a bucket by the third day.

Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
Pushed? No. Jumped, heck yeah.

Been told you're hot by a complete stranger?
Ooooo, yes, and it's so flattering. The best was when some guy held up a note to his car window. Dangerous but totally made my day.

Broken a bone?
Collarbone and assorted fingers and toes.

Been easily amused?
Every day of my life. I think it's one of my best assests. I go through life giggling.

Played a prank on someone?
No. That wasn't me. It was NEVER me. *shifty eyes* What? Why are you looking at me?

Failed a class?
No, I'm hyper competative when it comes to school. I wonder why I'm not competative in anything else.

Sat on Santa's Lap?
Naturally. Santa and I are tight, yo.

Did you celebrate the 4th of July?
Yeah. By watching poor Mau get freaked by the fireworks. Poor guy. *muffled snicker* It's not funny. *giggle-snort*

Made parents cry?
Mine, certainly. Other peoples'? Hmmmm. I doubt it.

Owned more than 5 sharpies?
At any given time, I prolly have 5 sharpies on me.

Dated someone more than once?
Jadon and I were on and off for awhile.

Been in a band?
I played tamborine in Hodgepodge and the Spirals. Or at least I would have if it had been a real band.

Drank 25 sodas in a day?
Dear God. I'd DIE. My teeth would fall out of my head. I think I had six root beers in one day once, when I was in Jr High. You can do that to yourself when you're in Jr High.

Thought about what people would say at your funeral?
They'd prolly say, "Check and make sure she's really dead before we start talking about her."

What color is your razor?

Have you ever changed the wording in a question/added a question to a survey you didn't create?
Lemme put it this way. This question was orginally #106.

How many chairs at the dining room table?
Three. The fourth is at the desk.

Do you know all the words to the Fresh Prince Theme Song?
*hums to self*
I think I can stumble through most of it. It would be easier to sing along to it.

Did you go to summer camp?
Oh yes, every summer. By high school I had the air seasoned sophistocation that comes with having slept in every sort of bunk bed imaginable. I'm a great packer, thanks to all those camps.

Do you know how to use some words correctly, but not know the meaning?
Now that you mention it, I know you say touche if someone makes a good point, but I have no idea what it actually means.

Do you like to sleep?
Not really. I wish I didn't have to sleep, I could get so much more done.

Do you want a bright yellow '06 mustang?
Sure, if you're giving one away. I like yellow.

What's something you always wanted?
My own house with lots of land. To work from home. My own zoo.

Do you have hairy legs?
Sure. Lots of them. At home.

How many fillings do you have?
None. *stickes out tongue* My dentist says I have great teeth.

Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake?
Ocean. Lakes feel stagnant and slimey to me unless they're really big.

Do you wear a lot of black?
Yes, but not a lot of black with black. I wear it as a neutral with really colorful stuff to avoid looking like a clown.

Describe your hair:
I lose a lot of hair. Constantly. I shed. I'm not going bald or anything, so I must grow a lot of hair too. No wonder I'm tired. I'm massproducing hair.

Are you an adult?
Yes, a fact that shocks me occasionally.

Do you think you have a good handle on spelling?
I doubt it.

Does your face turn red when you're angry?
Not unless I'm also crying.

When you're mad do you keep quiet or scream/yell?
I get quieter and slower and over-articulate each word.

Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party?
Our exchange students and my mother tried to throw one for my 16th birthday, but someone spilled the beans the morning of. Since I knew, and they knew I knew, but the guests didn't know I knew, I figured mischief was in order. Instead of going to mall as planned, I hid beind the couch. Maki and Suzy slipped me candy while the guests arrived. My dad pulled up and my mom told everyone to turn off the lights and duck down. My dad walked in alone, and my mother and he pretended to fight about where I was and who was supposed to pick me up.
At which point I jumped up and yelled SURPRISE!! One of my friends wet herself a little. Good times.

Are you easily excited?
I dunno about easily, but about strange things.

What event is coming up that you're most excited about?
MK's birthday party tonight, Nick coming home tomorrow, I move in less than two weeks!

Which of your friends is most excitable?
As excitable as they all are, prolly me or Coco.

If you could have anything right now what would it be?
My Knickers home. Or world peace.

Where were you born?
In a hospital not far from where I live.

How do you want to die?
I'd have to go with falling out of a hot air ballon.

Gay Marriage?
It's not any of my business if two straight people wanna get married, why is it my business if two gay people wanna get married? I can't imagine why it's such an issue. The argument that it undermines marriage is laughable to me. The idea that marriage is about anything but love, I think THAT undermines the meaning of marriage.

Lowering the drinking age?
I think the voting and drinking age should be the same. But I'm not sure which one should change.

I think focusing on abortion is missing the point. What kind of a world have we created that we're not excited to bring new life into?

Hells-yeah. Isn't it illegal not to anyway?

Who is the best "kisser" that you know?
Oh easy. Nick. And I'm not just saying that because he's the one I'm currently kissing. He's seriously the best kisser EVER. And I would know.

Whats the closest object to you that is purple?
The label on my V8 Splash juice. Berry blend. It's good.

Today Did You...

Talk to a boy/girl you like today?
No. *heavy sigh* Hopefully later. I have a million things to tell him, half of which are some form of 'I love you.'

Realize anything new?
I talk to myself a LOT when I'm alone.

Talk to an ex?
Yeah, Paul was showing me some of his latest jewelry designs. Very pretty stuff.

Miss someone?
Like CRAZY. I miss the feel of his skin. I miss the way he purses his lips sometimes when he's reading. It's very kissable. I miss his freckles and his kisses and his jokes.

Who was the last person who ...

Slept in your bed?
Mau and a pillow that smells like My Nick.

Saw you cry?
Nick, but the tears cleared up pretty quick when he kissed me and told me he loves me.

You went to the movies with?
Lola, Nick and Monica.

Went to the mall with you?
Lola, the other night. I was looking for an outfit for MK's birthday party tonight. Shockingly, I don't own a lot of fetish club type stuff. I almost bought a cute little black riding crop, but I read somewhere that if you carry a weapon you're likely to have it used on you, so I passed.

You said "i love you" to and meant it?
I ALWAYS mean it. Anyway, it was prolly one of the usual suspects, Nick, Lola, Coworker She of the Lovely Curls.

That made you laugh?
Lola. "I just got thrown out for vlogging!"

Said they loved you?
Hmmm. One of the usual suspects, My Nick, Lola, or Coworker She of the Lovely Curls.

What book are you reading?
Lamb by Christopher Moore, From Beginning to End by Robert Fulghum, and a sci-fi mystery novel reccomended to me by a coworker and it's surprisingly good.

Best feeling in the world?
When Nick pulls me close and kisses my forehead or cheek, then just kinda stays right there for a minute and takes a deep breath.
Or when Lou writes on her myspace that because of me, she's proud of who she is.
Or when Mau scrunches up his face, even his whiskers, when I'm scratching his chin.

Favorite location?
See above.

What are you most scared of right now?
There is this vague fear that now that I have this great life, that something will take it all away. But I don't listen to that voice, 'cause you just can't live like that.

Where do you want to get married?
Someplace private. Not a lot of people. Someplace meaningful to both me and who I'm marrying.

Who do you really hate?
I can't think of anyone, really. Hate is so much work.

Does anyone hate you?
Yeah, but only people that I'm comfortable having hate me. I'm rather proud of the enemies I have. It's a pretty good indication of my character.

Do you like being around people?
Most people, some of the time.

Song stuck in your head right now?
Everlasting Love by Gloria Estafan. It's on my myspace.

Ever liked someone, but you think they never noticed you?
*laughs* I never have trouble being noticed.

Ever liked someone who treated you like crap?
Certainly not after they treated me like crap. That's so not hot.

What color shirt are you wearing?
Bright green.

Name three things that you do every day.
Blog, drink a lot of water, and daydream.

How much cash do you have on you right now?
Couple bucks.

What did you have for dinner last night?
Lola made the most amazing chicken and mashed potatos.

What web site do you visit the most?
You're readin' it.

Do you have plants in your room?
Not that I know of.

Does anything hurt on your body right now?
Oh you know. The usuals. The bad shoulder, the wooky neck, the spiral spine.

Where was your last cab ride?
When Lola, Nick and I went to TJ and got stranded at the trolley station in the middle of the night.

Would you have a problem if your friend went after your ex?
Depends on the ex and the friend, I suppose, but most likely it wouldn't bother me at all. I don't know why people tend to get worked up over that kind of stuff. Seems petty somehow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa! Where are you moving to? Is it a good thing?

Ya know your dad told me way before I ever met you how witty & sharp & funny you were. He was so right! You have serious talent, my friend & I really enjoy reading your stuff.....makes me smile & laugh out loud alot...always a good thing! *smiles*

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