Tuesday, September 26, 2006
As Usual, My Homie In Marketing Liked The Idea A Lot, But Isn't Sure We Could Get It Approved.
Story of my life, man. Story of my life.
*shakes head*

I got the idea this morning, when the maintainence guy asked why there were two folding tables* set up out front and I told him that they were altars for lamb slaughter, for our Orthodox Jewish** employees. "Happy Yom Kippur," I added.
He looked really disturbed until he remembered who he was talking to, and laughed.

But then I was thinking about how the Events committee is always looking for ideas for employee morale activities and stuff. Why not tap into the richness that obscure religious holidays? Plenty of inspiration there, and cultural diversity, all at once.

Drum circle on the full moons?
A We're All Gonna Die! party on 12-21-12?
A Bring Your Babies To Work day to celebrate the festival of Cybele, the Phrygian fertility goddess on the Spring Equinox?

* Actually they had been left out from the ice cream social yesterday.
** They do not sacrifice lambs. I was just trying to freak him out.


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