Monday, August 14, 2006
Only Me *Updated*
Ok, so as I bent to buckle the ankle strap on my shoe, I accidently buckled in the cord to my headset. Then when I tried to stand up, I fell out of my chair, taking half of the contents of my desk with me. And I lay there, hog-tied to my own desk, laughing hysterically, and yet heartbroken that there was no one there to see it.


Blogger CamoBunny said...

yes, but you and i both have put our underwear on sideways. does that help anything?

and this evening i discovered that i have misplaced my cheese. i lost cheese.

only me.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh gosh.. I think you would really lighten up our office somewhat!!!

PS Hope you weren't injured and you recovered okay!

Blogger Minoa said...

*laughs hysterically*

Are...*giggles*...are you alright?

Blogger Valancy Jane said...

*still laughing over it*

Yes, I'm fine.

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