Tuesday, August 22, 2006
And I'll Be Sure To Wear Some Flowers In My Hair.
I leave this Sat morning. First stop, pick up Miss Kendra in LA.
That's right.
You heard me.

Wallow in your jealousy, unless you live in the SanFran area.
'Cause that's where we expect to be by Sat. night, baring any breakdowns, mechanical or mental.
Care to grab dinner or a drink?

Then on to Hotel Rose!
Rose has sweetly offered to put us up, and planned a perfect Sunday.
First breakfast at "Mama's".
Then sailing on the bay.
Then we go see the buffalos in Golden Gate Park.
Then dinner and shopping in Chinatown.
See why I like her?

Monday morning we roll out to Sonora, for my baby Bug's wedding!
Yes, she's getting married on a Monday.
She's an actress in a stage show, and thats their weekend, so bless her heart, she gets married on a Monday and the show goes on!

And then home, in time to kiss my wonderful boyfriend on his 22nd birthday.


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