Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Yes, You're In The Right Place.
It's still me.

I gots me a new look.

I like it. It's distinctive, legible and loveable.

Tell me you love it too. We're very needy, my new template and me.


Blogger PomHeart said...

you totally freaked me out.

i luh-uve the fans. it's uber cute. just like you!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

scrolling makes me dizzy

Blogger dizzy von damn! said...

it's quite nice.

much easier to read.

and so art deco!

Blogger CamoBunny said...

oh, yes, vj.

yes, yes.

it's better.

Blogger zezzee said...

I had kinda a "whatdehell?" moment at first, but....its growing on me. definitly. s'cool.

Blogger Thérèse said...

Love it.

LOVE it.

Blogger Bake Town said...

Yeah... much cleaner. Nice.

Blogger melissa said...

Wow, VJ!!!! I adore the new digs.

Blogger Valancy Jane said...

WendyKat - Dawwwwwww!

'Mookie - Everything makes me dizzy.

Miss Kendra - Yeah, I was looking for something easier on the eyeballs.

CamoBunny - *nods and smiles broadly*

ZezZee - S'nice of you to say so.

'Rezziekins - Love you. LOVE YOU.

BakeTown - Thanks. I cleaned up a bit while I was at it.

Lozza - I understand. Took me two years to change the template.

Mlisso - Thanks, drop in anytime!

Blogger Jm said...

I LIKE it!!

Blogger Karen said...

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..a new layout!!!
It's so freakin' cool..heheh i honestly love it.Good Job. *grins*

Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Tis Dandy. Change is refreshing.

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