Wednesday, July 05, 2006
So Then I Said .........
.......... "Fireworks are at nine, or we could stay in and watch the cats freak out."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was our first fourth with our cat, so we weren't sure how she'd respond. But the little street urchin was a right mess and she got herself a bath, (totally knew how she would respond to that-I.E. it included band-aids for me) and she was so busy licking herself dry that she didn't notice the fireworks! Looks like we have started a new tradtion! Bathe the cat on the Fourth!

Blogger Valancy Jane said...

Can I offer some unsolicoted advice on bathing cats?

Use their natural curiosity to your advantage.

I just get in the bath myself, relax and then when they come around to sniff the water, I wiggle my finger under the surface. They can get so engrossed playing that sometimes they'll ease themselves right in without noticing.

Cats don't actually hate water, so much as they fear drownding. Cats don't know they can swim. (Most of them can, but they don't know it.)I reccomend just letting them stand in a few inches of water and using a cloth to wipe them down, or pouring a little over over them gently.

Works much better than making them think you're trying to drown them, which is what they think.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the advice. This is the second bath we've given her and I totally respect her fear. I think it is double worse for her because we think she may have been abused in the past. So, I only fill the tub up a bit, right to where her paws are, and sit on the end of the tub. we play around and once she gets comfortable, I pick her up and put her in my lap. Then I cup some water in my hand and bring it to her to sniff. Little by little, we ease her in. I use a small cup to pour water lightly over her (never her head usually only the back and legs) she does fine and even walks around in it but if something freaks her out (say a noise in the other room) she leaps at my arm with her claws. I pick her up and place her back on my lap. Then if she wants we let her go back in. But I totally agree with you. I don't want a bath to be a nightmare for her. The first bath was just terrible, even though we took it slow just because it was new and we aren't sure if she has ever been groomed or given one before. The second time around seemed much easier. (Still got clawed though!)

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