Friday, July 14, 2006
Dear Person in the Neighboring Apartment Complex/Owner of the Freakishly Loud Alarm Clock That Gone Off Every Nine Minutes Since 1:30AM,
I hate you.

Yours very truly,
Valancy Jane


Blogger melissa said...


I hate you, too. On behalf of VJ, of course.


Blogger beaky said...

Break in and smash it.

I would...

Blogger Valancy Jane said...

Dear Lisslo,
Thank you darling.

Dear Beaky,
Don't think I haven't considered it.

Yours very truly,
Valancy Jane

Blogger dizzy von damn! said...

that person lives next to me too.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, that nine minute repeating alarm is totally insurance to be sure you get up in the middle of the night (eventually) to do something important. It's like the 30 something version of the all nighter. He probably just needed one little refresher nap, and then an extra nine minutes...

and then an extra nine minutes...


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