Friday, July 21, 2006
'Cause People Are Funny
When I was a kid, I remember that everyone was upset about this 'big ugly watertower' in a residencial neighborhood. They made such a big fuss about it that a committee was formed to figure whether or not it would have to be moved.

In the meantime, the story goes, a committee member had large metal cloud shapes made and mounted on the sides of the watertower, as a way of pacifying the neighbors, letting them know that they were aware of how ugly they found it, and that they were attempting a solution.

Funny thing was that once the clouds were up, no one complained anymore. The furor completely died, and the committee disbanded. And so it stays, and has become something of landmark.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I adore that water tower. For some odd reason it makes me smile. *smiles*

Blogger Valancy Jane said...

See? The clouds make it endearing and lovable.

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