Thursday, July 20, 2006
Another Actual Conversation

Brown Heels in Stall 1 - "Are we both just waiting for the other to leave because we have to make some rather unladylike noises?"

White Sneakers in Stall 4 - *hesitant* "Yes."

Brown Heels in Stall 1 - "Ok, I'll go first. Cover me."

White Sneakers in Stall 4 - *flushes repeatedly*

Brown Heels in Stall 1 - *washes hands, turns to leave* "Lets never speak of this again."

White Sneakers in Stall 4 - "Yes, lets."


Blogger PomHeart said...

good job on not "speaking" of it.


Blogger Valancy Jane said...

Nothing was said of blogging.

Blogger PomHeart said...

eggggg-zactly. good jorb!

one lady at school was on the phone AND making very, VERY unladylike noises and she would flush the toilet as if no one could guess where she was.

Blogger Michael said...

I propose that VJ was white sneakers

Blogger Valancy Jane said...

Ike, this is a post about poop. Let me retain SOME mystery here.

Besides, I was not white sneakers.

I was brown heels.

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