Friday, June 09, 2006
What I Wanted To Say Was ........
......... "Ok, mister. You came in here for an interview, but you didn't bother to remember or write down the name of the person you're supposed to interview with, and to cover your mistake you try to give ME attitude about why can't I 'just go find out', like I'm gonna get up and got ask 175 people in the building if they happened to be doing interviews today? Let me save you some time. You won't get the job. When I tell who ever it is you're interviewing with (and make no mistake, I WILL tell them, they like to know this kinda stuff) that you couldn't even bother to make note of their name, they'll toss your resume. And if you leave now, you can prolly catch The Price Is Right, ok?"

Am I mean?


Blogger Valancy Jane said...

*polite yet firm voice*

"Sir, if you'd like to have a seat, I am willing to call a few people who's positions relate to your previous experience on your resume and perhaps one of them will know, and HOPEFULLY we can still have your interview here today."

It had the desired effect. He sat down and shut up.

Blogger melissa said...

I still say you should've gone with what was in the post. Clearly he didn't care too much about it.

Some people's children. Hmph.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with m.i.l. -- you should have just said it. Wotta dipshit. Jayziz...

Blogger PomHeart said...

yes, people tend to forget that the receptionist is the first line of defense against idiots being hired. i still give mad props to the nice older irishman who remembered my name when he came in for his second round of interviews.

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