Monday, June 26, 2006
My Pets Are Totally Cuter Than Yours, Part 2

As the last two pictures suggest, while her love for Nick hasn't abated, it turns out she hasn't turned her back on me completely, and totally snuggled with me when I fell asleep on the couch.


Blogger Bake Town said...

How does your rat get along with your cats.

Blogger Valancy Jane said...

The cats could care less about her, but since Miss Cleo freaks out if she sees them, anytime we take her out of her cage we put her in her ball or put the cats in the other half of the apartment.

Blogger Bake Town said...

Paul used to have a hamster named Caeser (as in Julius) that used to chase my cat around the house when I put him in his plastic ball. Yeah... good times.

Blogger Valancy Jane said...

*giggle* What a mental picture!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

[still laughing about the picture of your pet human]

Blogger Valancy Jane said...

He happened to be IN the picture WITH the pets.

I don't keep pet humans. If I could, I'd totally have kept Ikey.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

what an amazingly beautiful fish!

(and boyfriend too obviously!)

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