Thursday, June 15, 2006
"I don't actually work here. No, really. But I see why you'd think that. Sorry."
I have this chronic need to share information with complete strangers. As far as I'm concerned, if you hold up two boxes of tea in the grocery store and compare the labels, you are BEGGING for my imput.

I don't understand why I have this compulsion.

I once spent half an hour showing a woman in a pet store everything she'd need for the beta she was considering buying. When she asked me to ring her up, I was actually surprised. When I told her I didn't work there, she went from thinking I was a very helpful employee, to looking at me with suspicion.

Kids are great. Kids will totally listen. At the zoo, I can assemble a group of kids faster than you can explain the difference between african and indian elephants.

When people express surprise that I'm not actually a zoo tour guide, I say, "Yeah. I know. I don't understand how I'm not a zoo tour guide either."


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