Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Random Horoscopes, By Miss Cleo (not that one)
Today as I fed my pet rat Miss Cleo, she said she had some messages for you all.

Cols, be reckless with chocolate today.

'Rez, someone is working up the nerve to propose to you. He's not going to be your first husband, however.

Jonny, today you will meet some of your new furniture. You may not recognize her as such, but she will be grey and introduce herself as "Carmen" if you listen.

Miss Kendra, today is a very special anniversary from a past life. Don't be surprised if he/she attempts to contact you in some way in his/her present form.

Ike, bring a snack with you if you leave the house today. You or someone near you will need it.

Sven, the answer is "yes, but invite a walrus." You know what I'm refering to.

Chlace, I see either love or a very large and aggressive moth in your future. Get some good karma today 'cause this could go either way.

Hank, you will keep a good thick head of hair. For like the rest of the week, at least. Ice cream will happen to you, in some way.

BakeTown, you will fall in love today. Only a little bit, though.

Ruan, today is a good day to write a handwritten letter. The stars suggest delivering it by hand, however.

Dufel, today the word "cute" will fall on your ears. There is a small chance that you'll be the one saying it, but most likely not.

Mlisso, a bit of a favorite childhood book will come to mind. Hunt it down and read it to yourself right before bed with a glass of milk.

Nick, you had a really cool flying dream last night. It's a shame you don't remember it.


Blogger dizzy von damn! said...

i hope it's good.

i hope someone wants to give me money.

or cookies.

or both!

Blogger melissa said...


Will do.

Green Eggs and Ham, here I come!

Blogger Bake Town said...

Does chocolate count?

Blogger Bake Town said...

Cuz I think I'm i'm more likely to fall into a vat of boiling acid.

Blogger Michael said...

I went to an interview with Air Canada for flight attendant today. I brought Renee along with me, because she would be great at it as well.

When I left the house, I brought an apple, some strawberries, and a jug of fruitopia, the watermellon berry wisdom kind.

Renee wasn't allowed in the building because she didn't get an invitation in the first place. I emerged 3 hours later with a second interview...and a very dissatisfied Renee.

I am really glad I brough those snacks.

This is a true story.

Please drink a lot tonight.

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