Thursday, May 25, 2006
Ask Miss VJ
Dear Miss VJ,

I'm a girl with a crush. A crush on a hot, hot man in karate class. A hot, hot BLACK belt in karate class.
I've recently asked said karate-boy out for coffee and he responded by saying yes with a stipulation...
that it only be professionally...
What the heck does that mean?! We go to the same dojo, not the same cubicle! We wear white pajamas and punch each other like kids who have crushes, and talk about stupid ninja movies we've seen. We do NOT trudge into the office like zombies or meet at the photocopier...
He gave me his number and now I'm wondering if I should call....
Do I call?
Cause I know if I do and we meet, he'll fall in love with me and then we're at a moot point and in a sitution he didn't want to be in.
What do I do??

Hawt Ninja

*combs eyebrows in front of a mirror*

*stares at herself in the mirror, tilting her chin up*

Dear Hawt Ninja,

No. You probably shouldn't call.

See, the beautiful/horrible thing about men is that they tend to say exactly what they mean. I know, isn't that ridiculously confusing?
But anyway.
It's a situation he doesn't want to be in.
For whatever weird reason. (I mean, seriously, he doesn't want to date you? What happened, did he get one of those stick thingies to the head once too often or something?)
So unless you can get him to open up about why it would have to be strictly professional, or you can go to coffee without ANY expectations of changing his mind about the nature of the meeting ('cause we know it's cruel to begin any kind of a relationship expecting to change their mind about something, and that applies even at this stage) than you're setting yourself up to hear the same letdown, after you've invested more of yourself.

Go find an even hawter ninja with better sense, 'cause you deserve it.

Miss VJ

*survey's face from a slight sidewise angle*

*winks at her own reflection*

Next question, please.


Blogger Michael said...

Rezzie is so funny.

Blogger Valancy Jane said...

Well, yes, she is.
But she didn't write that.

Blogger Thérèse said...

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