Friday, April 21, 2006
Another Actual Phone Conversation
Bunny - "So I was thinking about years and years from now, when you've got the house*, about how we could still all do Christmas there, with all six of you and spouses and kids. You know you can rent like EVERYTHING. RVs, tents, tables. Just use all the patio space around the house, park the RVs in the yard and get a few gym memberships in case you need more showers."

VJ - "It would be like a circus! Literally!!"

Bunny - "Yeah, just rent everything and let the chaos reign."

VJ - "And you know me, I can't see chaos without wanting to kick it up just a notch. I'd rent an elephant for one afternoon. Just because."

Bunny - "You'd be the coolest aunt."

VJ - *laughs*

Bunny - "We're gonna have the nicest lives, aren't we?"

VJ - *huge grin* "Oh yes."

*Bunny bought the house I grew up in. I'm gonna buy it from her someday, once all the boys are gone off to school.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I juggle torches and ride tall unicyles... can I come?

Blogger Valancy Jane said...

Yes please.

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