Ok, so I'm justified in changing this to "I resolve to kiss more" I think. And I'm doing ok on that one. I even stopped traffic for one, so I give myself a A on this.
I resolve to dance in my underwear more. And to call it exercise.
I'm doing ok on this. I still need to remind myself that it's ok to make time for myself. I still feel guilty when I'm just lounging at home, I feel like I should be doing something constructive. I give myself a passing grade on this.
I resolve to know more of my neighbors by name, and not just by the nicknames I give them based on their (sometimes very strange) behavior.
Ok, B- on this. I've spent more time talking to the ones I already sorta knew, but I haven't learned the names of very many others.
I resolve to throw more parties, on thinner excuses, like finding a lost sock or it being Sunday afternoon and I kinda like Sunday afternoons.
A. I've launched the weekly Girls Movie Nights and invited more people over spontaneously. *pats self on back*
I resolve to stop letting people pressure me into assigning a commanly known label to my faith. "So you're what? Christian? Jew? Baptist? Why do you go to Mass on Christmas?" My faith is simple, and I've never met anyone that didn't understand it once I explained it, but most feel compelled to then catagorize it. "So you're what? Christian? Jew? ect..............."
Yes. I'd like to stop defining myself by who's doctrine I've choosen to wrap myself in. Because many of them believe what I believe, they just believe so much more on top of it. Instead of what I've seen so much of, people with so many beliefs that they don't have enough sincerity to cover them all, I'd like to stick to the few things I know to be true and let it grow from that, instead of rammed down my throat by someone so concerned with little, legalistic stuff. One day I might even find that I now neatly fit into one of those faiths. But the difference in the way you learn it makes a difference in the way you teach it, and I think that difference is important.
I did exactly what I knew I needed to do with this one. I left my church. I even left it tactfully and gracefully. I give myself an A+.
I resolve to drink more coffee and tea. Not more in the mornings at work, but in my leisure time with friends, to take more moments to slow down and drink in.
I've done so well on this, I've even taken up meditating. A+
I resolve not to put off anything until I lose weight. A healthy body and mind won't come from deprivation.
I'm doing ok. I still have to remind myself to stop buying clothes a size too small, to motivate myself. I'm getting better at this one. B+
I resolve to listen to more music sung in different languages.
A+ on this one, and I'm loving it!
I resolve to see my doctor more often, and not let small nagging pains become large ones. Once there, I resolve to be her fussiest patient, getting the most out of our time. I think she'll like me for it, and I like her for THAT.
Hmmmmmm. I WAS doing really good, but for the last month I've put off going back. I give myself until the end of next week to see her, or else I'm going to fail myself on this.
I resolve to stop apoligizing for what I need, and to be more in touch with what my needs are.
B+. I've been much better to myself, but I've let a few people be not so nice.
I resolve not to be angry at people for not meeting needs that I haven't expressed.
A-. I've been better at expressing what I need. Not perfect, but better.
I resolve to stop feeling guilty for having a cluttered car. Lots of truly lovely people have messy cars. Lots of unhappy people feel pressure and guilt.
Still working on this one. The habit of guilt is strong. Bless Lou, she gets on my case and tells me to hush if I apologize. She adorable that way.
I resolve to drink more peppermint tea.
Oh. I drank it all and now I'm out. So I must be doing good.
I resolve that 50% of the time when a friend invites me out, and I'm tired, to go anyway.
I've EVEN been the one doing the inviting.
I resolve that 90% of the time when someone offers me a new volunteer opportunity, to say no, and to just maybe give a little extra effort to the ones I'm involved in.
I've been very good on this one.
I resolve to listen less, and to be less of a people pleaser.
I've been choosier about who's advice I listen to, so A on this.
I resolve to talk more, and with more truth. To strangers, to friends, to myself in the mirror.
I still think I might need a little work in this area. But I'm getting better every day.
I resolve to plant more flowers, in unexpected places.
Well, I certainly planted more flowers. I haven't found any unexpected places to put them, that wouldn't be considered vandalism. But my hyacinth is coming up and I'm so happy that I gloat over them daily.
I resolve to pick wild chamomile when I find it, and to go more places that I'm likely to find it.
I need a kick in the butt for this one. I haven't gotten out hiking enough lately.
I resolve to comment more.
Only a little improvement on this.
I resolve to compliment more.
This one is fun!
I resolve to be more informed, but with fewer opinions.
I'm finding, naturally, the second part easier than the first. I give myself a B.
I resolve to clutter my desk with more photos, and fewer deli menus.
A for me on this. I've got some great pictures on my desk. I'll scan them soon, and let you guys see.
I resolve to overpay children at lemonade stands.
A+ for me. I've even stopped at more lemonade stands.
I resolve to make eye contact with anyone that waits on me in a resturant, or rings up my purchases.
Another A+ on this one.
I resolve to forgive myself more easily.
I might be getting too good at this. If there is such a thing.
I resolve to remember that forgiving someone doesn't mean not telling them when they're out of line.
Fortunately, I haven't had to do this much, and I've done good.
I resolve to mark up my books with my own thoughts.
Not bad, but I think I'm gonna stick more pens in my bookcase.
I resolve to do whatever necessary to keep from getting angry at other drivers on my daily commute. If sanity means a new cd each week, so be it.
A for me on this. I've added some great music and Jonny's gonna be sending me some cds again soon.
I resolve to find a use for most of the relationship books people have given me. I'm inherently nondestructive, but the advice contained in most of them ranges between dangerous and pointless, and no good will come of passing them along. I will use them for lighting fires, scratch paper, sketches, paintings, pressing flowers, you know, the kind of things that are actually useful.
Miss Kendra taught me how to make paper out of them and we made valentines from it.
I resolve to put no price on sanity, friendship and love. If this means my finances never become "tidy" or "in order" so be it.
What I've learned from this one is that I have the BEST FRIENDS on the face of the planet. Y'all should be so lucky.
I resolve to remember to have no emotional connection to my money, be it coming or going.
Yes, and now I'm less stressed and more satisfied with what I buy.
I resolve to play music louder when I'm alone.
Yes, my neighbor and I have a deal on this one. He can have the bass on his system set at 'earthquake' and I can play my music early in the mornings. Compromise is great.
I resolve to roll my car windows down more.
Only so-so, but I'll get better as it gets warmer.
I resolve to take more pictures, and to worry about the quality of the camera or the shot less.
This is still complicated by my lack of a camera.
I resolve to not buy an uncomfortable pair of shoes all year.
Sor far so good. But I need to go shoe shopping again soon.
I resolve to call one friend before putting in a video, and if I never get around the video, no loss.
Better yet, I've been inviting friends over to watch a video with me. And then ignoring the video.
I resolve to remember that while it's always possible to live cheaper, work harder and be busier, there is no guarantee that this will make me richer, more sucessful or more important. And this is rarely the point anyway.
I haven't been more extravegant, but I have been less stressed about it when I am, meaning I get more for my money in a sense.
Over all, I'm pretty proud of myself here. I think I'm going to reward myself with a week off work in the next month.
excellent job.
i hereby give you three (3!) gold stars.
I will be glad to help you with the "I will kiss more" resolution. ;-)
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