Thursday, March 23, 2006
Dear Miss VJ
Dear Miss VJ,

Love the robe!

Ok. Now for my question. Ahem.

I have a... um... two, actually. Two "friends" who are both perfect for me, and for each other. We've all gotten married to each other countless times. (You know, in several of those spontaneous renewal of the vows ceremonies that usually involve throwing ice cream and a trampoline, among other things.) It's a unique relationship triangle, not completely unlike that of Betty and Veronica and Archie's.

My question to you is, how can I get the world to understand without judging? I figure if anyone can help, it's you.

Anonymous. (cough)

Dear Anonymous,

I'm a big fan of all the poetry you've written.


The answer to you problem is simple.
A beach house. All of you need to live together in a beach house with lots of hammocks. You know, for sleeping and sleeping. The world will get over it's jealousy when it discovers the adorable coffee shop you guys run. Nothing endears you to the public like sucess and coffee.

Miss VJ

*packs her bikini*

Next question please.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear Miss VJ

I quite like this girl I know, and try to talk to her when I can, how should I proceed?

- Mook, as usual, confused

Blogger Minoa said...

It does work...on the Sims plane. So that can only mean that it works in real life too.

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