Monday, February 20, 2006
You Know You Sneeze Loudly When ......
........... people come down from upstairs to ask if you're ok.

I mean, I'm used to that when I get the hiccups, with the yelping noises/full body spasms, but really, I didn't think I was THAT loud of a sneezer.

*hangs head*

Please still love me, Internet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear VJ,

Of course.

Yours etc,


Blogger beaky said...

Don't worry, I'm part of the 'I sneeze extremely loudly' club too(oh yes, there is a club!) and often have to put up with strange looks because of it. I find that the best time for sneezing is in exams. That's when it has the best effect anyway... hehehe

Blogger Thérèse said...

So that's what that was...

Blogger melissa said...

I'm in the full-body-spasm-yelping-in-pain-because-oh-my-God-that-hurts-so-much-hiccuping club, too.

Blogger dizzy von damn! said...

my hiccups disturb the neighbors,

Boy won't bee seen with me if i have them.

Blogger Bake Town said...

I have the same problem. You know you have a loud sneeze when a deaf co-worker says "I'm going to miss hearing your sneeze."

I am not making that up.

Blogger Karen said...

im a sneezer..hehe so i can understand that perfectly.

I still Heart you VJ.

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