Friday, February 03, 2006
I'm eating sushi at 10:30am.

I refuse to think that's weird. I will eat my breakfast and my lunch in any order I want.


Blogger Thérèse said...

The downstairs lab guy had a cheeseburger for breakfast today.

He blamed me.

Sure makes me happy.

Blogger fatwonkkid said...

I hope that is either cooked sushi or fresh raw sushi you got that morning. Overnite raw sushi could cause some major intestinal problems...

My roomate from college would have steak. I asked him, "Why the f*** are you eating steak for breakfast."

He mentioned, "Haven't you heard of steak and eggs for breakfast?"

"But there are no eggs, and you are eating cold steak straight from the aluminum foil it was wrapped in."

Blogger Unknown said...

Hi, good to see the blog is still going strong! Take care and God Bless!

Blogger Valancy Jane said...

'Rez, I'm proud of you.

Fatwonkkid, it was cooked sushi, of course, I know my way around a chopstick.
And I eat steak like that too. No one has ever been able to offer me a reason why I shouldn't.
Open your mind a little, to the possibilites.

*blows a kiss to Ruan*

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