She's since taken down my words, and replaced it with a rant about how she's justified in what she did because, and I quote, "sex sells."
I know. Huh?
I can only attribute her nonsensical response to the fact that this must not have given her anything to work with. Where as this must have given her a wealth of words to copy.
And frankly, I think it's sad.
Those of us who love and adore our blogs, those of us who have found a voice, found friends here, we know what a chance she's squandered.
But when it came down to it, she must not have had anything of her own to say.
Yes, sex sells. And so does her integrity, her voice, and her sense of self it would appear. It's not wonder she's got nothing of her own to say. She sold herself as sex and other people's words, and now she's empty.
And that's just sad.
If you've got a comment for her, leave it below. I'll email them to her later.
And if you don't have anything to say, I understand that too. She's just sad, and this is the last bit of my time she's gonna get.
I once heard this advice, and maybe we could pass it along to her:
Maybe she should take up knitting or something
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Get a life and stop stealing you very sad person!
*No matter what anyone steals from you, we will still love you VJ*
And who ever you are rather try and steel some self respect because it looks like something you lack
As you know, Veaj, I commented on the post wherein she stole the words from your mouth. I was not impressed, and told her. I'm still not impressed. She did not apologize to you for what she did, but instead attempted to apologize to me.
It's almost like she's in denial of having ever done it and is trying to tell me that she's sorry I got pissed, even if she doesn't understand why.
Frankly, that pisses me off even more, cause she's doing her best to keep her readers without owning up to the fact that she made a mistake.
This does not make me wonder whether she'll do it again, but makes me wonder who she'll do it to next.
Tell her that you and I are friends and not only are you an internet star (not that kind) (although it seems like she wants to be), but also that I am a famous influential blog-stalker.
Then don't tell her what that means.
how do you find out about this?
(email me her link!)
I believe the website in question has been removed. Or just transferred. No way to tell unless I go a'searching, which I dont' intend to.
aww dayyyyyyymmmmmmmm...who is she? i'd like to know though.
what a shame!...what a pity. *shakes head in TOTAL disappointment*
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