2. what do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? That cheese from the arabic market, leftover chicken, fruit.
3. what is your secret guaranteed weeping movie? I'm ashamed to admit I bawl like a little girl when I watch Titanic.
4. if you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done? Hm. I have this suspicion that my neck is gonna get really wrinkly when I'm old, maybe something about that. Or maybe a tummy tuck after kids. But other than that, nothing comes to mind.
5. do you have a completely irrational fear? Yes. MRI machines.
6. what is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moments? I tap my fingernails against each other, or I get his frozen smile and nod.
7. are you a pyromaniac? I don't understand people who AREN'T pyros. Fire is COOL. I've accidently lit my bookcase on fire roughly the same amount of times my cat has lit himself on fire.
8. do you have too many love interests? I refer you to the S.l.u.t. A.r.o.u.n.d. Plan, which some of you know stands for Slowly Looking Until The Absolute Right One Ultimately Noses aheaD Plan. And I'm also considering the W.h.o.r.e. A.r.o.u.n.d. Plan, which actually doesn't stand for anything and is actually just a plan to whore around.
9. do you know anyone famous? I know a bunch of Internet Stars.
10. describe your bed: ---->
11. are you spontaneous or planned? As in my birth, or my personality? I think I was a planned child, and I'm about 50-50 in personality. I love to do stuff on a whim, but planning can sometimes be half the fun. I'm planning a dozen trips that I don't know when I'll find time for, but it gives me something to daydream about.
12. who would play you in a movie? Anna Faris. She can play carry a ridiculous scene and somehow be touching and endearing in the middle of it all, and if that doesn't describe the screenplay of my life, what does?
13. do you know how to play poker? Yes. Not very well, but enough to win a little money off the 'tough guys' at summer camp.
14. what do you carry with you at all times? Chapstick, my cell phone, a book and the mistaken idea that I'm a good singer.
15. what do you miss most about being a kid? All the time I got to spend outdoors, or the energy. Where does that energy GO when you grow up?
16. are you happy with your given name? *shrug* I don't have any real issue with it, I just never thought it suited me. I like Valancy Jane or VJ.
17. how much money would it take to get you to give up the internet for one year? I LOVE The Internet, and no amount of money can buy that love. You might stand a shot of convincing me to give it up for a year if you bribed me with a trip to a remote part of the world or something, but not for MONEY.
18. what color is your bedroom? The walls are white. Stupid apartment rules. But the color theme for my room was the colors of a peacock feather, in muted tones.
19. what was the last song you were listening to? Ah Ya Leil by Shereen, from the cd BellyDance Superstars. 'Rez sent it to me.
20. have you ever been in a play? Yes, lots of them. I love the spotlight, I'll admit it.
21. have you ever been in love? Yes!
22. do you talk a lot? I even blog a lot.
23. do you like yourself and believe in yourself? I like me. I'm cute, I'm rather self-indulgent and I write myself sexy notes on the bathroom mirror in lipstick. Christy writes me sexy notes on my mirror in lipstick too, but not as often as I do. I believe I exist, I suppose, since I get so many bills in the mail. THEY certainly believe in me.
24. do transient, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? ANNOY ME?! What a horrible way to think.
25. do you consider yourself to be a nice person? I'm nice. I feed stray animals and let people go ahead of me in line and I never expect anyone to care about my vacation photos, so yeah, I guess I'm nice.
26. do you spend more time with your girlfriend/boyfriend or your friends? Do online friends count? I'm in contact with them most of the day. I see my boyfriend (when I have one) more in the evenings than my friends, at least after I've been in the relationship awhile.
27. what is your ideal marriage location? Bunny's yard, or eloping somewhere.
28. which musical instrument do you wish you could play? The cello.
29. favorite fabric? Velvet. It just makes me happy.
30. something you love and hate? Staying up late.
31. what kind of bedding do you use? I sleep on a pile of naked men that I've hired as throw pillows. Kidding. Big comforter, feather mattress top, lots of pillows
I don't know why there isn't a #32 on this.
33. what's the one language you want to learn? Well, I have a theory that you could travel and get by in most of the world if you know three languages, English, Spanish and Chinese. I speak English, I know a fair amount of Spanish, so to finish my theory, I suppose I should learn Chinese. Although I'd rather learn arabic.
34. how do you eat an apple? Start around the middle, top, then bottom. Sounds pretty standard. I must find a more interesting way of eating apples.
35. what do you order at a bar? A club? Prolly a Midori Sour, or water. A dive bar? Beer, or tequila shots. Red wine at anything upscale.
36. have you ever pierced your body parts? Well, the ones that were done on purpose were done by other people. But I did run my hand through my sewing machine once.
37. do you have tattoos? No, and I'm not sure why. I'd like to get a few.
38. do you drive a stick? Yep, and don't try to pretend that it doesn't make me cooler than I already am.
39. favorite trait of the opposite sex? I only get to pick ONE? I can't do that. Men are lovely, and fun to kiss.
40. what's one trait you hate in a person? Cruelty.
41. what kind of watch do you wear? I rarely wear it, but it's a watch face that can be strung on ribbon or anything really. I usually use a velvet ribbon, and secure it with one of the old pins my grandmother gave me.
42. most frivolous purchase? Hmmmm. Prolly some of the toys I buy for my cats or my birds, the ones they could care less about.
43. do you consider yourself materialistic? No. A bit senimental, I'll keep stuff if it reminds me of something, but I'm lucky to have pretty cheap taste in most things.
44. what are you best at cooking? Hmmmm. *looks around at her friends* I hear nice things about my avocado soup.
45. favorite writing instrument? Markers! But it's obnoxious to read, so I generally use a ball point that glides well, in black or green.
46. do you prefer to stand out or blend in? Not that it matters, I tend to stand out regardless of what I might want, but fortunately I kinda like it. Except at work, where learning to blend into the woodwork and listen quietly has proven invaluable.
47. would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? I suppose. I had a mustache once, and I liked it so much that I stuck it on my rearview mirror. So now when I look my mirror, I giggle because I have a mustache in the reflection.
48. what's one car you will never buy? Prolly some fast sports car. I've got nothing against 'em, but why waste that much car on a simple girl like me who drives rather sensibly? Oh and I hate two doors, it's so uncomfortable to crawl into the backseat that way.
49. what kind of books do you like to read? Secondhand ones with intriging covers, or the occasional really slutty/trashy romance novel.
50. if you won the lottery, what would you do? Buy a good camera, a really trusty backpack, some sturdy socks, and take off around the world, taking my sweet time.
51. burial or cremation? Cremation, with my ashes then put into fireworks, and lit off.
52. how many online journals do you read regularly? Hmmmm, check my sidebar.
53. what's one thing you're a loser at? Making tortillas. They NEVER come out round.
54. if you don't like a person, how do you show it? I just try to remove myself from the situation, and if I can't, I'm polite but reserved.
55. do you cry in front of your friends? Show of hands, those of you who know me in real life. Have any of you NOT seen my cry?
56. what kind of first impression do you think you give to people? I think they think I'm crazy but nice. Actually that impression rarely changes as they get to know me.
57. what's one thing you like to do alone? It depends very much on the company on offer. Some people give you the space when you need it, those sort of people you can do anything with. And then there's the rest of the world.
58. are you a giver or a taker? I think everybody's a bit of both, and I'm no exception.
59. when's the last time you cried? Hmmmmm. About two weeks ago, I found one of David's shirts in my laundry and it still smelled like him. I think I brushed away a tear or two, just the final letting go stuff, nothing major.
60. favorite communication method? MSN instant messanger. Kidding, but only slightly. I like body language.
61. how many drinks before you're tipsy? I can hold my liquor respectably, for a girl, but I am still a girl.
62. do you think you're cute? Hell yeah, have you SEEN the tiny freckle on my lower lip? I'm adorable.
63. do you have problems changing clothes in front of friends? You know, I grew up in drama and dance, and we thought nothing of ripping off our clothes in front of each other. But I might be getting more modest with age, when Miss Kendra visited, she pointed out that I was being rather modest. Well, modest in the sense that while we were stripping down in a dressing room just hours after meeting, I was still aware of the fact that she had a camera. So covering my lady bits in that situation isn't prudish, right?
1. you posted this twice.
2. i wasn't photographing your lady bits! i waited till you were asleep for that.
hmm i heart ur bed...hehe
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