Friday, February 24, 2006
Another Actual IM Conversation
Cols says:
Are you talking to him [Pete] now?

Valancy Jane says:
I doubt he'll be up before noon. He works really late.

Jonny says:
Is he a spy?

Thérèse says:
A spy?
I want to date a spy.
Maybe I could get lessons in how to lie.

Jonny says:
that might be why he works late, because he's a spy.

Valancy Jane says:
Pete says it's impossible for him to lie. He says you can tell instantly.

Thérèse says:

Jonny says:
What if that was a lie?

Thérèse says:
That could be his cleverest lie yet.

Valancy Jane says:
So he's either honest or a spy. I'm really ok with either option.


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