I need a vacation.
'Rez -
(Swings on cyberspace swing beside Veaj, not saying anything but feeling breeze on face and in hair, smelling ocean, and running toes in sand.)
VJ -
*squints up at the sky, watching the seagulls*
'Rez -
(Looks at clouds and tries to make out shapes but doesn't really say anything.)
VJ -
*sips at a mountain dew*
*sprawls out on a big fluffly towel with a TRN*
'Rez -
(shakes out towel, sits down near Veaj)
(picks up pad of paper and continues making up crossword puzzle questions to eventually give to someone)
VJ -
*eats a frozen grape*
*offers the mini cooler of frozen grapes to 'Rez*
'Rez -
(absentmindedly pops a few in her mouth, smiles in thank you, sucks on them, tries to remember if umlauts is actually spelled "umlauts")
(takes off shirt to lounge in bathing suit on towel)
(moves Veaj's sandals over so she can stretch out on her stomach)
VJ -
*flicks a little sand off her towel, gently, in the opposite direction as 'Rez*
*settles her mountain dew can down deeper into the sand to keep it cool*
*stares out to sea for a bit, then goes back to reading*
'Rez -
(gets up, dusts sand off ass)
Want anything from the car or the juice stand, Veaj?
Oh, she's asleep.
(gets guitar from the back of the jeep and her songwriting book)
(comes back)
(starts strumming quietly)
VJ -
*wakes up*
*dozes off again for a little *
*wakes and stands and stretches*
Wanna go for a quick dip to cool off?
'Rez -
Why not. I could go for a good float.
VJ -
*splashes around a bit, letting the waves roll over her*
*wanders in toward the beach and starts looking for shells*
'Rez -
(air dries on towel and picks up Veaj's discarded TRN)
VJ -
*feels sudden stab of TRN-jealousy*
*wanders back*
*shakes off dumb jealousy and picks up another TRN*
*skips to the dog eared naughty parts*
*feels the sun dry her back*
'Rez -
(puts down TRN with a wink, facedown immediately after the naughtiest naughty bits, to go meander along the beach myself)
(picks up miscellaneous rocks to skip)
(winks at three cute boys)
(notices a shaggy dog alone with a ball, and starts running with him along the beach, throwing the ball)
VJ -
*makes sandwiches, one for her, one for 'Rez and one for the dog*
'Rez -
Can we keep this dog? He hasn't told me his name yet, but he is soooooooooooooo cute! Have you ever seen a cuter dog? He's black and shaggy and friendly and enormous and I already love him and he loves me too look he's climbing in my lap and licking my face.
(takes sandwich)
VJ -
Of course we can keep him. I love him already. His name is Alfred. Alfie. I don't know why, but it just is.
I hope he likes tuna.
'Rez -
(plays in sand with Alfie)
Oh, err ---
(takes off running after Alfie who is into chasing other dogs)
VJ -
Make sure he doesn't go in the water for an hour. He just had a sandwich.
aww i'd say two thumbs up too..hehe but i would want the real one, i want a vacation, a long one.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaa..hehe please take me. *puppy-dog eyes*
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