Monday, February 20, 2006
Another Actual Conversation
Receptionist - "Hello, and welcome to the Stone Age. In the unlikely event of a dinosaur stampede, primative hatchets will fall from the ceiling. We ask that you please slaughter your own dinner, before assisting any children who might be traveling with you. In case of emergency, in the seat pocket in front of you is a map of all the cubicles where the employee keeps a secret stash of liquor he/she thinks I don't know about.
To begin our tour, we take a nostalgic look back at something we remember as 'computer solitaire.'

Coworker - "So the network isn't back up, is what you're saying."

Receptionist - "Correct."


Blogger Thérèse said...


The Internet misses you, Veaj.

It's just not the same without you.

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