Yes, David and I split up.
Before I met David, I sat in the coffee shop and watched him play while I wrote nonsense in a journal. One such bit of nonsense was that he and I had been together in a previous life, that we cared about each other very much, but split up because we fought so much.
Which turned out not to be nonsense, and really about sums it up.
And I'm fine, and we're on very friendly terms now, other than he wants visitation rights with my cats. *giggle* Seriously.
Anyway, I don't want a repeat of last time I was single, I want a little breathing space between the great loves of my life, but like any girl, I want to 'keep my hand in.'
And so, when a local radio anounced it's Mile of Men event, I alternated between thinking it was a dumb idea and "Why the hell not?"
How it works is this. They get a whole bunch of single men and line up by the side of a designated road, each holding a number on a large card.
The women are in cars, lined up, and drive past the men and call the radio station and call dibs on the number guy they want. Then next week their is a big group date where you get to meet your date.
Now, it's not that I think I can pick my perfect guy off by sight, but as Cols said, "How often do you get to go to a party where ALL the guys are single?"
And it seemed like a silly enough, crazy enough and goofy enough stunt that it was bound NOT to work, and that's fine by me. I figured I'd pick someone wildly inappropriate and have a bit of adventure at the party. The perfect way to keep my hand in, without any seriousness or expectation.
Just to ruin the ending, I didn't get through on the phone to the radio station, despite trying for an hour, the second half hour was sheer determination to win over their inept phone system.
But I don't regret going.
For one thing, it was prolly a healthy thing to look and see a visual reminder of how many nice looking single guys are out there, and looking too.
And for another, I got to see a beautiful sunrise over a gas station as I sat in a line of single women all fixing their hair.
Ah, amore.
best idea ever.
VJ...OH VJ. I would have gone with you and tag teamed the radio station.
that sounded fun...hehe
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