Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Can I ..........
............ just say today officially sucks, and I got that memo before 7AM and can I not say more than that right now because I don't want to rehash it and cry AGAIN today, and can I just have lots of comments and emails full of love and can I get longs lists of ideas on how to be really nice to myself?

Can I?

'Cause that would be really nice.


Blogger Cleavers said...

Stumbled here today, liking your blog. Sorry to hear you are upset. I had a v bad day before Christmas at work. It will be okay.

/big virtual hug

Blogger Lauren said...

ah. yes.

have a lou hug too.

Anonymous Anonymous said...


You will make it through, just keep in mind you will have better days. I promise you, you will.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not one for overt expressions of emotion...I'm a guy, after all, but.......




I know I haven't been around---still no internet access at work---and can I just say that I miss our regular correspondence? 'Cause I do.

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