Thursday, January 19, 2006
And Sometimes .........
........... you fall asleep reading an old favorite book
and wake up at 3AM
because you left the light on
and you remember that you fell asleep before you checked the lock on the front door or covered the parakeets,
so you cover them
and go to lock the door
and see that it's raining so you open the door
and step out onto the balcony and it's a
cozy rain, that seems to bring the sky down
and everything smells like a well tended garden.

And sometimes you take a deep breath and curl your toes
and hug your arms to yourself because it's cold
and think that a lit-up pool with raindrops hitting it is prettier than it sounds
and then think that you're going to be alright
and slip inside, feeling glad that you didn't accidently lock yourself out because you do that


Blogger luca said...

That's really wonderful

Blogger dizzy von damn! said...

i agree.

Blogger Michael said...

I can totally imagine it.

VJ, you have such a knack for describing a scene using more than mere facts. I love you for that fact alone.

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