2) Where were you when 9/11 happened? I was soaking in the bathtub, it was my day off. I came downstairs to find my roommate glued to the TV.
3) What do you do when a vending machine steals your money? If it appeared to be close to falling down, I'd just get another. Otherwise, I'd go get my money back from the girl upstairs.
4) Do you consider yourself kind? Yes, unless you mistreat an animal or flick my earlope. Then I'm DANGEROUS.
5) When you see a homeless person on the side of the road, what do you think? Hey look! We're wearing the same outfit! Kidding. Except once.
6) If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be? Prolly the back of my neck.
7) If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be? I always thought Arabic was pretty, or Italian.
8) do you know any of your neighbors? Yes, too well sometimes. The guy across from me needs to close his blinds occasionally.
9) What do you consider a vacation? An undisturbed evening with a book and a glass of wine.
10) Do you follow your horoscope? Not in the least.
11) Would you move for the person you loved? Depends on the circumstances. I wouldn't be doing the person I loved any favors if I moved somewhere that made me miserable.
12) Are you touchy feelly? VERY.
13) Do you believe that opposites attract? I think Robert Fulghum said it best when he said that, "Everything anyone has ever said about love is true, just not necessarily all of it at the same time."
14) Dream job? Writer of some kind.
15) Dream car? I've kinda always wanted a cool old bug.
16) Favorite channel? I almost never watch tv, but sometimes at work I'll rot my brain for a bit with some VH1 or something. I do like the educational channels if I've got time to kill.
17) Favorite place to go on weekends? Home.
18) Showers or Baths? I love baths. I could soak for hours. I'm am such a girl.
19) Do you paint your nails? Sometimes.
20) Physically, what do you like the most about yourself? I have a great ass. And cute feet, and it sounds cliche, but I have nice eyes.
21) What do you like the least? Hmmmm. My stupid knees that cause me pain.
22) Do you trust people easily? Fairly. I don't think I rush to trust people, but I'd rather be hurt by trusting than my not trusting.
24) What truly frightens you? MRI's apparently.
25) What is your phone number? 619 - 261 - 2659 Yes. I just did that. I will be sorely dissapointed if I'm not prank called because of this.
26) Do you want kids? Yes, very much, in like 5 years or so.
27) Do you keep a handwritten journal? Yes.
28) Where would you rather be right now? At home because of a happy new development, that I will share more off later.
29) Who would you like to be more honest with? God, David, The Internet.
30) Who makes you feel guilty? Me.
31) are you a heavy or light sleeper? Pretty heavy.
32) Are you a good dancer? Yes!
33) Are you paranoid? Why? Who said I'm paranoid? *giggle* No, I can't muster the energy, frankly.
34) Are you impatient? Sometimes. Especially about presents. But give me a book to read in the meantime and I'll settle right down.
35) Who can you relate to? The Internet.
36) Would you ever have plastic surgery? Well, I don't know. I mean, I really don't see it ever happening, but who's to say that I wouldn't want a tummy tuck at 35 when my kids have stretched it all out or something? I doubt it, but never say never.
37) Would you ever break the law? *narrows eyes* Which law? And for how much money?
39) Are you Single or Taken? Taken
40) Who was your last kiss? David
41) Where was it? On the ............... doorstep.
42) What did you do today? Worked.
43) Who was the last person you talked to online? 'Mookie.
44) On the phone? David.
45) Have you ever consumed alcohol? Er, yes.
46) Have you ever drank shots? How many at a time? Yes. Well, I don't know many people that do more than one at a time, but I did have one and a half at one time once. It was a big shot and unfortunatly that half shot went up my nose, which turned out to be one of the most painful experiences of my life.
47) Ever been in the opposite sex's bathroom? Oh sure.
48) Who's house where you over last? David's.
49) Ever play strip poker? Sure. On IM yesterday with a coworker. Don't worry, I only lost a sock.
50) Ever been called hot by someone 10 years older than you? Yes, somedays I think they're my key demographic.
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