Friday, December 16, 2005
Things That Are Making Me Happy Today
I am under - budget on my christmas shopping. No one is more surprised by this than me. This has never happened before EVER.

The fact that I accidently answered the phone, just as I was asking a coworking, "Why are you throwing candy at that nice man?"

Cols has sent me exactly 18 e-cards since this morning.

My wreath arrived.

This morning I couldn't decide what sort of breakfast I wanted so I ordered a variety of breakfast foods and have been snacking off them all day.

The bubble wrap, of course. *POP* *giggle*

It's friday. FRIDAY, people.

I got a gift for the Secret Santa exchange, that the VP's assistant said he'll LOVE.

I finish my christmas shopping tonight and then I'll have a pile of things to WRAP.


Blogger Minoa said...

Yay for lots of cards and for internet birthday parties with oddly placed birthday hats!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The fact that I accidently answered the phone, just as I was asking a coworking, "Why are you throwing candy at that nice man?""

LOL I can SO picture that scene!!!

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