Thursday, December 22, 2005
Things I Might Do Tomorrow
Ok, so tomorrow is my birthday. I was going to head up to my Tiny Gramies, but she has a party for her seniors group, so I rescheduled my visit to Monday.

Bunny is doing Christmas Day with her kids tomorrow, because on the 25th, she's taking the kids to their grandparents.

So I have Christmas breakfast with Bunny and her kids.

After that, the day stretches before me.
It's my birthday.
I can do anything I please.


I might go to a costume shop and try stuff on. I might rent a pair of wings and a sari and wear them the rest of the day.

I might stay at Bunny's and drink tea and sit in the sun on the porch and have a nice long chat with Bunny.

I might go browse a few used book stores.

I might go play with the cockatiels at the pet shop.

I might go home and make tacky craft projects.

I might go blow bubbles in the park.

I might go home and soak in the tub for a few hours, with a couple good magazines and a glass of wine.

I might clean my whole apartment, then sit and bask in the glow. (Yes, that is fun for me. Shut up.)

I might plant more bulbs in my windowbox.

I might watch George of the Jungle and then decide that I can't live without the song Dela (I know why the dog howls at the moon) by Johny Clegg & Savuka and go buy the cd. Or I might decide that I don't want to chance the crowds shopping and just rewind and replay the scene where it plays, over and over. This is, sadly, much more likely.

I might drive up into the moutains to Julian and buy myself a slice of fresh pie from the apple growers up there.

I might dance around my apartment in my underwear.

I might walk down to Main Street and buy myself an ice cream shake and browse the shops. 'Especially that one that sells belly dance stuff.

I might drive to Mexico and wander the open air markets and buy a small, brightly painted ceramic animal.

I might do all of these things.
Or none.

A whole day to myself.
*hugs arms to self and twirls*

Merry This.


Blogger Michael said...

I'm concerned that none of these options include other people, except farmers.

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