Monday, December 12, 2005
Because, Honestly, What's The Point Of A Blog If Not To Post Pictures Of Yourself And Your Boyfriend At The Company Christmas Party?

David and I at my company's Christmas party. Just try and convince me that we're not the cutest things ever.

'Cept maybe Coworker, She of the Lovely Curls. She is cuter.

Me and David at his company's Christmas party. I need to brush my hair more often.

I love him when he smiles.

You can't see all the details in the wrapping of that package, but lets just say I found a kindred spirit.

It was a Hummer flashlight that had no batteries, but was powered by shaking it. The guys kept asking me to 'turn it on by shaking it.' Sadly, it took a couple minutes for me to realize they were not fascinated by the flashlight so much as other things. The girl to my right wanted it, so I traded her for the aforementioned copy of the movie Office Space.

David was happy with his gift.

This is the universal look for, "Honey, my headache is worse, can we go?"


Blogger Sven said...

Awwww, you're all so cute and pretty.

Blogger Thérèse said...

I love, love, love, love, love what you're wearing. I-love-eet.

And yes, that includes the earrings. Gawgous, dahling. And yes you are all adorable.

Blogger melissa said...

The pants are grrrrrreat!

Hummer...shake...turn on... yowza. At my husband's work that would have been one helluva fiasco. (He works w/ a bunch of pervy dudes.)

Blogger Unknown said...

I would have kept the flashlight! lol

Hope you are well, we havent talked in what feels like months! Anyway, just droping by to say hi!!!

And Mery Christmas!

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