Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Random Images That Make Me Happy
Coco took this of El Cajon Valley and El Capitan Mountain.

David, after the girls at the Rock-A-Betties Salon got ahold of him before a gig.

Just a picture of a cat, that makes me giggle.

Jonny, this picture makes me desparete to know you in person.

My pool. Wanna come over and swim?

Keno, as a puppy. Tell me that's not the cutest thing EVER.

A ball of foil that My Other Homie in Marketing scanned for me, for no real reason other to show me he could scan things for me. Before this, the foil held my turkey sandwich.

*giggles* Today feels a little like this.

My Other Homie in Marketing said the picture of the foil looked like Nick Nolte's mug shot so he wanted to show me. What could I respond but, "MOHiM, lets always be friends"?

And I love this picture of 'Shaw. Just for no reason and a billion reasons.


Blogger Michael said...

ahh the pool, you and I had some good times in that pool.

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