You don't remember, do you?
Sally, remember the time we tried to sneak into that club 'with the band' and the bouncer saw us and came around to check our ids so I hit you lightly on the head with a cymbal and you pretend to be hurt, to distract from being asked for our ids but it totally didn't work and we got slung out on our butts?
Ikey, remember the day at the beach with sandwiches from Trader Joes, and me molesting you a bit to make sure you were properly covered in sunscreen?
Keane, remember that I owe you dinner?
Jordan, do you remember that time we were driving through Minnesota, and you were bored and goofing off with the backscratcher, like it was your hand, and the truck driver behind us was laughing so hard he started swerving and ran a Jetta off the road?
Mavi, remember at Christy's bachlorette party when we realized that for the second time, we'd gone out and bought the model of car as each other?
Devin, remember the time we were driving home and some teenage boys pulled up next to your car and yelled to us, "Show us your boobs!" and we yelled back, "No, YOU show US YOUR boobs!" and we followed them across town until one of them flashed us some scrawny teenage boy nipple?
Jonny, remember in another life when you were named Edgar and we lived in a lighthouse and had two dogs both named Frank?
Good eye, yes, that's me!
*thinks hard*
You know in the movie Joe vs the Volcano, you know what Meg Ryan's character says a lot?
"I have no response to that."
Of course it doesn't make sense. Since when is that a reason not to do something?
*re-reads comment*
I love that of that whole statement about Jonny, it was the dogs thing that confused you.
I'm almost suspicious that you only befriend incredible good-looking people. I say almost, because you've also befriended me. Mind you, I am tucked away at the bottom. That's OK, I understand.
On second thoughts, I'm gorgeous.
Ok, I love everything about this post, including the comments.
And for the record, I wasn't entirely *sure* that I *had* called you, and I wasn't entirely *sure* *when* I called you, and...
... okay, it does sound like something I'd do. Call, then forget. (cough)
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