Monday, October 31, 2005
So Then I / Lou Said ........
So then Lou said, "Now you know why I never get any homework done" as we sat and stared at the antics of Marilyn, who missed her career calling in circus as a trapeze artist.

So then I said, "What's the 'more' in the 'fish and more' meal?"

So then Lou said, "Sugar. The OTHER happy white powder."

So then I said, "Lou! I know I raised you better than that! We don't DO med. sized coffees! Put that back and get a large!"

So then Lou said, "Can we switch back to the ghost show? Pam Anderson SCARES me."

So then I said, "Dude. Gandalf is smoking. Actually, so is his car."


Blogger Lauren said...

ah if people had any idea whatsoever.....

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