Tuesday, October 25, 2005
'Rez, Col and I have decided that we must, MUST, go on a road trip together, at some point.

Things that may be overheard on a roadtrip that would include us:

"Oh, sorry, didn't mean to catch my foot in your hair, Rezzie"

"Hey, do you think this'll come off?"

"I have to pee."

"Where are we again?"

"No really, where are we?"

"Help me out here, girls" coming from a bathroom stall, in reference to something strappy.

"I think I'm stuck again."

"I woke up with starburst in my ear."

"Yeah, sorry, that's mine. (takes starburst out of Veaj's hand and pops in mouth)"

"You mean it's illegal to throw pistachios out the window of a moving vehicle?"

"I'll miss him," refering to someone we met at a truckstop. "Yeah, he was good people."

"Was that our wrong turn, or is it up ahead?"

"Well, we've learned on thing for sure here. (wiping arms down with a towel) NEVER take a dare from a guy you've just met, especially if it involves massive quantities of slushie."

"Hey, this isn't my bra!"

"Wait wait wait. Are you WEARING the map?"

"Yes. I am wearing the map. It's a long story. Stop staring at my Utah."

"I fed it to the cute wittle puppy."

"He was lost, and I wanted to help him get home."

"You don't think carrying a pet iguana across the border is illegal, do you?"

"Well, while we're on this side of the country, we might as well go up to the Maritimes so you can meet my family."

"Are there like, different degrees of 'illegal'?"

"What do you mean 'it wasn't your fault the place went down in flames but hit on it and I'll explain later'?"

"I've always want to see a museum of quilted portraits of sports players."

"(with distain) Oh, kiss my llama. (makes obscene gesture)"

"Excuse me, you seem like an attractive, relatively normal man. Mind if I take a minute to serenade you? (breaks into You'll always be my baby')"

"Lets stop up at that farm house and sing 'Where does the love go'!"

"So, what you're saying is that you... you don't want... new shoes? I don't understand."

"Christmas carols in July? Why not!"

"Hi. You don't know us, but we're on a multi-state scavenger hunt and we were wondering if you had a stuffed animal that we could have."

"(On a crowded street, with a straight face, whips out sheet music for 'Row, Row, Row your boat') Ok ladies. It's okay. We know this cold. But I have the music right here. Ahem. (breaks into Row, row, row your boat, very very seriously, with vibrato)"

"Trick or Treat in January! We're going state by state to all towns w/ 'Hollow' in them"

"Yes, and please be warned that we *will* play a trick if there's no treat."

"Gotta find the groundhog, gotta find the groundhog"

"Hey, do we know any bloggers who live in this state?"

"what do you mean, you don't think that'll work? We have plenty of slack in the rope, you know."

"Still on search for item #583 on the scavenger hunt list: a road sign that doesn't end in a 0 or a 5."

*knocking on someone's door* "Yes, we're looking for something old, new, borrowed and blue."

"I resent the implication that I would need to use bribery. Now, are we going to have a problem or can I let go of your windpipe now?"

"We're going on a road trip to Hawaii. ....................... What? We totally ARE. You can convert a car into a floating raft."


Blogger michael.dufel said...

Thats a really long list... How long did it take you to come up with all those things?

Blogger Valancy Jane said...

4 minutes?

It was a fine example of teamwork.

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